
31 October 2019

Today I had a blog post deadline. In fact, the deadline is tomorrow but I gave myself until today to finish it and get it scheduled to publish tomorrow. O’m not sure why I get so nervous when I’m being rewarded/paid to post something. I am truly grateful for the opportunity because it came at just the right time. I find it amazing how things you think about (in your head) ends up working out on the outside. If you know what I mean. The only explanation I have for that is…GOD.

Earlier this week I learnt that a 7 year old child at my sons’ school was assaulted and we found out about it through a news article. I’m not going to share the details cos I barely have any info but to be honest, I am freaking out. I immediately felt that my son’s life and innocence is in danger. And it is. Every single day. The only thing I can do is to have faith in God that He will keep my kids safe.

I have also dropped the ball a few times this week. My son fell asleep before supper was ready and I had to wake him the first night but left him the second night. I felt so bad but I have to remind myself that these things happens and as long as nobody died in the process, it’s okay.

I have felt very overwhelmed lately. About work, motherhood, relationships with family and also my body. It’s like I’ve put everything on pause so that I can clear up some space in my mind because there is where everything is happening. In the beginning of the year I chose the FOCUS as my word for the year but staying focused and focusing on what matters and what I want to to was the hardest thing to do. I’m not sure I’m ever going to master being focused or focusing on one thing at a time. But I’ll keep on trying.

This post is very different from what I usually share on here. For the longest time I have been trying to be more authentic and write in my own voice. There’s quite a few things that I am comfortable and confident in sharing like natural hair stuff and product reviews but for the last couple of months I’ve been in my feelings for a lot of reasons and those are the things I want to start sharing because those are the kind of stuff that life is all about.

So, with all of that said, you will see more of the “diary style” posts on here and I am hoping to post about it very often.

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